Jack of All Trades, Master of None
As long as I breathe, I'll fight for you.
As long as I breathe, I'll stay by your side.
As long as I breathe, I'll hold you.
As long as I breathe, I'll love you

Generic Canon
She Was Love.
Mirha Resil
Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon
16th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon | Mid Twenties
Demiromantic Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married to N'iakos NunhCanon DoL/DoH: Weaver, Culinarian, Fisher
Duty Status: All Rounder
Born the first daughter to Mikh Resil, Mirha set out from her family for the first time when she came of 16 summers. She is the eldest of her family, having grown up alongside her little brother, Mikh'a, in the Twelveswood, keeping her head low in light of the prejudices against Moon Keepers.After managing to find a house with some roommates in the Lavender Beds, Mirha began to settle into her new, adventure-filled lifestyle. She's not the most confident, but will shove down her fears for her friends in their time of need.After supporting her now-husband in his bit for the Ul Championship, she travelled Etheirys with N'iakos and his beloved daughter, N'myza. After they were wed, they went on a lovely, peaceful honeymoon to Tural, leaving the rambunctious N'myza in her brother's care.
When she isn't adventuring or crafting, Mirha can be found carousing across Etheirys, or working at Starlight Springs as co-owner!

WOL Canon
She Was Wrath.
Mirha Resil
Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon
16th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon | Mid Twenties
Demiromantic Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married to N'iakos Nunh, but in a polycule relationship with G'raha Tia and Y'shtola RhulCanon Job: Bard, Red Mage
Curiously enough, Mirha started her journey as an archer, advancing to the Bardic Arts and becoming known as the Songstress of Gridania. However, after the events of the story prior to Endwalker, losing loved one after loved one to their fate, she learned the art of the Red Mage because she could not handle not at least having a fighting chance of saving someone herself. She is very overprotective of her friends and loved ones, always filling with worry when they are farther afield than she can reasonably follow.After nearly being killed by the overwhelming light in Shadowbringers, one of her irises became bleached with the light, causing near blindness in her eye. Sometimes it is known to glow when her emotions are high. Pure light also leaks from said eye instead of tears when she cries in times of deep distress.The events of Endwalker left Mirha itching for a new start. Sick of being the hero, she was hoping for a peaceful honeymoon with her husband, but of course, she can never escape trouble. The pain of heartache and betrayal has left her a bit more trigger happy than ever before, exhausted by having nothing but loss, fire, and faith.